Lisa's Friends


Since we care a lot about our customers, guests, and partners, we like to keep in touch as best we can. That's why we offer something we call Lisa's Friends. As a member of Lisa's Friends, you get access to ongoing information such as unique invitations, offers, tips and advice, and other helpful information. 

You only need to subscribe to Lisa's Friends newsletter, which is sent out a couple of times a year. You are also welcome to follow us on our Facebook pages and on Instagram, where we post news a bit faster. 
You give your consent by registering below for Lisa Elmqvist to process personal data in accordance with the GDPR. Read more about GDPR here.

The processing of personal data 

When you choose to become a member of Lisa's Friends, we collect your name and email address in order to send you newsletters. We also collect information about which emails our members choose to open and read and which offers you find interesting. We use this data to analyse, develop and improve communication as well as our products and services. 

You can unsubscribe at any time via a link at the bottom of each newsletter. Lisa Elmqvist only saves contact details and sends newsletters as long as our members wish.